The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, in cooperation with Wings of Hope Society and the Marriott Hotels Group, implemented an afforestation campaign in Dibeen Forest Reserve, on the occasion of World Arbor Day.
The participation of the group’s employees aims to enhance efforts to increase green areas in Jordan, to face the effects of climate change on biodiversity and its sustainability in the reserve.
A number of employees of the Association and the Marriott Hotels Group and their families participated in the campaign.
The campaign included carrying out various works such as digging and transporting agricultural soil, planting seedlings and watering in addition to coordinating the land,
listening to useful information and its values about the importance of vegetation and the benefits it provides to humans and nature alike.
Tree planting initiatives are crucial to the protection of nature, especially in Jordan where the green space is very limited.
It also comes in line with the environment and social support strategy of the Marriott Hotels Group.