Wings of Hope Society supports projects and organizations that serve people with special needs as well as less privileged groups across Jordan. It also supports projects that assist with rural development in the Kingdom.

The target recipients for Wings of Hope Society projects are less privileged youth in Jordan. WOHS aims to reach as many individuals as possible in all areas across the Kingdom to ensure that it provides a positive impact on the Jordanian society as a whole.

Eligibility for Funding:

  • The applicant should be officially registered with the related Jordanian authority.
  • The proposal should include specific developmental outcomes and provide direct benefits to those less privileged in accordance with the objectives of Wings of Hope Society.
  • The application should demonstrate a commitment to the local community to implement the activities and sustain them.

To apply for the Wings of Hope fund, the applicant is required to:

  • Provide a brief statement about the applicant’s organization and goals.
  • Provide information on other sources of funding if available.
  • Provide a brief statement about the project and target group or beneficiaries.
  • Fill the application form and attach a detailed financial sheet.
  • Attach a copy of the applicant’s official registration certificate.
  • If the application is successful, the organization should submit an acquittal report and attach invoices to the office of Wings of Hope Society once the project is implemented. WOHS will appreciate photos – where it is possible and ethical – with consent from the individuals being photographed.

Funding does not cover items of routine or recurrent nature such as staff salaries, office rental and utility costs, spare parts, office supplies, transportation, maintenance and repair costs unless exceptionally approved by the Board of Directors

Applications and attachment should be sent to:

Wings of Hope Society
For more information, please call Wings of Hope Society at: +962 06 5684141

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